<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ServicesConfiguration><Service name="iPlanetAMWebAgentService" version="1.0"><Schema i18nFileName="amWebAgent" i18nKey="iplanet-am-web-agent-service-description" revisionNumber="10"
<Global validate="yes" >
<AttributeSchema cosQualifier="default" i18nKey="" isSearchable="no" name="serviceObjectClasses" syntax="string" type="list" >
<AttributeSchema cosQualifier="default" i18nKey="GET" isSearchable="no" name="GET" syntax="boolean" type="single" uitype="radio" >
<BooleanTrueValue i18nKey="allow" >allow</BooleanTrueValue>
<BooleanFalseValue i18nKey="deny" >deny</BooleanFalseValue>
<AttributeSchema cosQualifier="default" i18nKey="POST" isSearchable="no" name="POST" syntax="boolean" type="single" uitype="radio" >
<BooleanTrueValue i18nKey="allow" >allow</BooleanTrueValue>
<BooleanFalseValue i18nKey="deny" >deny</BooleanFalseValue>
On a hunch I added the following two additional attribute schema elements by copying the existing ones and modifying their i18nKey and name as highlighted below:
<AttributeSchema cosQualifier="default" i18nKey="PUT" isSearchable="no" name="PUT" syntax="boolean" type="single" uitype="radio" >
<BooleanTrueValue i18nKey="allow" >allow</BooleanTrueValue>
<BooleanFalseValue i18nKey="deny" >deny</BooleanFalseValue>
<AttributeSchema cosQualifier="default" i18nKey="DELETE" isSearchable="no" name="DELETE" syntax="boolean" type="single" uitype="radio" >
<BooleanTrueValue i18nKey="allow" >allow</BooleanTrueValue>
<BooleanFalseValue i18nKey="deny" >deny</BooleanFalseValue>
I then bounced the Open AM server. Upon selecting a policy and editing its rule I then saw that DELETE and PUT were now showing in the UI. The question then was will they be honored and work with policy evaluation. Since I don't yet have an application behind an agent to verify that they work I turned to the /authorize restful endpoint. I first acquired a token via the /authenticate restful endpoint:
curl --request POST --header "X-OpenAM-Username: <my-user>" --header "X-OpenAM-Password: <my-password>" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{}" https://signin-int.lds.org/openam/json/authenticate
{ "tokenId": "AQIC5wM2LY4SfcxzmBcakM-l7x_FXkMzkT21Ok9Bhgf2zQs.*AAJTSQACMDIAAlNLABQtNTIxNjI5NTA3ODMyMzM1OTQxMAACUzEAAjAx*", "successUrl": "/openam/console" }
Once I had a token I was ready to hit the /authorize restful endpoint. But first off my policy looked like the following:
Policy Name: test.lds.org
Name: /directory
Resource Name: http://test.lds.org/directory/*
Actions Checked: DELETE, GET, POST
Name: Allow All Users
Authentication Module: Authenticated Users
Conditions: none
Response Providers: none
One call to test access is shown below with the token from the /authenticate call above truncated for this post but included in its entirety in the real call. Note that the documentation as of this post did not indicate that an action parameter was supported but a quick google search turned up a blog that mentioned it. Good thing we have bloggers eh? :-)
curl "https://signin-int.lds.org/openam/identity/authorize?uri=http%3A%2F%2Ftest.lds.org%2Fdirectory%2Ftest&action=DELETE&subjectid=AQIC...*"
I ran the the test specifying a different action each time in the query parameter. The results showed as follows for each action tested. Note that I also tested a lowercase version of the POST action and learned that the value of the action query parameter is case sensitive. That is nice to know and would make a good addition to the documentation:
DELETE: boolean=true
GET: boolean=true
POST: boolean=true
post: exception.name=com.sun.identity.idsvcs.GeneralFailure Invalid action name: post for service: iPlanetAMWebAgentService.
PUT: boolean=false
I then changed the actions in the policy as follows:
Actions Checked: DELETE, POST, PUT
And the results then showed these responses:
DELETE: boolean=true
GET: boolean=false
POST: boolean=true
PUT: boolean=true
So it appears that adding those sections to that XML document in the configuration directory did indeed add support for DELETE and PUT as desired. Once I get an agent and application combination set up I'll verify these changes there as well and cover that in another post. Enjoy.